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basic bread


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 60 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 75 minutes

Servings: 2

Cost: $11.82 /serving


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Step 1

Combine the yeast mixture ingredients and mix thoroughly. Allow to rest about 10 minutes.

Step 2

Add all the other ingredients for the dough and mix until a moist dough is formed. Cover and let rest until dough has doubled in size, about 15-45 minutes.

Step 3

Punch down dough and knead for about 5 minutes on floured surface. Divide into two equal sized pieces. Roll each piece into a rectangle about 1/4 inch thick. Roll starting from the short side and tuck the edges under. You can use water to help them stick. Score the bread diagonally using a sharp razor.

Step 4

Allow the shaped loafs to proof in a warm, moist place until nearly doubled (about 15-45 minutes). A cupboard with a glass of hot water is a good proofing spot.

Step 5

Heat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Optionally, you can add glaze and toppings to the crust. For the glaze, mix 1 Tablespoon of melted vegan butter with 2 Tablespoons of plant based milk and coat it gently onto the surface of the bread using a pastry brush. Olive oil can be used as an alternative glaze. For toppings, simply sprinkle them on as desired.

Step 6

Bake on the middle rack until the crush is golden brown (the top may be darker) and sounds hollow when tapped with fingers, about 15-20 minutes. Turn during baking if one side seems to be browning faster.

Step 7

Allow to cool completely before cutting. Store cut bread wrapped in a clean kitchen towel or in a plastic bag. Consume within 5 days after baking.