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bacon candy


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hours, 30 minutes

Total: 1 hours, 40 minutes

Servings: 4

Cost: $4.39 /serving


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Step 1

In a large mixing bowl combine the brown sugar and maple syrup. Mix it thoroughly until you have a thick sugary paste.

Step 2

Open your pack of bacon and using a pair of tongs put each piece into your bowl, one by one. Once all of the bacon is in the bowl, toss the pieces in the mixture until all of them have a sticky coating of brown sugar and maple syrup.

Step 3

Set your smoker to cook at 225 degrees. I like using Oak Pellets, but Cherry or Apple are good for this recipe too.

Step 4

When your smoker is up to temp place each piece of bacon on the grill grate. Be sure to give each piece some good spacing. The bacon will shrink as it cooks, but it won’t cook evenly if you have pieces overlapping or touching one another.

Step 5

After an hour at 225 degrees flip each piece of bacon. The fat in the bacon is slowly rendering, and by flipping the bacon it will cook a little more evenly. If you really want to get crazy, you can brush some more maple syrup on the bacon slices after you flip them.

Step 6

Check on the bacon thirty minutes after the flip to check on the progress. Some of your pieces may look like they are close to done, and if that’s the case I’d recommend pulling those pieces off the smoker to taste test them. This bacon won’t crisp up the same way that bacon does in a skillet, but I promise you the flavor is out of this world.

Step 7

Continue checking on the bacon every ten minutes, and when the bacon starts to take on a darker color, and it’s somewhat firm when you pick it up with tongs, it’s time to pull it off the smoker. Put the bacon on a rack to let it cool a few minutes, and then dig in.