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hokkaido cheese tart recipe


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Prep Time: 40 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 50 minutes

Servings: 9


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Step 1

Grease and dust your tart molds (I used egg tart tins, but you can use a cupcake or muffin tin!)

Step 2

Place flour, sugar, salt and butter in the bowl and rub between your fingertips until the dough resembles sands

Step 3

Add the yolk and knead until a smooth dough

Step 4

If too wet add a little more flour, if too dry add a splash of milk

Step 5

Divide the dough into 9 portions and line your tart tins

Step 6

Dock the bases of the tart shells with a fork and place the lined tart shells in the freezer for at least 30 minutes

Step 7

Preheat the oven to 180C

Step 8

Bake the tart shells for 20-30 minutes, until lightly golden brown

Step 9

Remove from the oven and press down any air bubbles with a spoon

Step 10

Combine the cream cheese, ricotta/mascarpone, parmesan, milk and butter in a large heatproof bowl

Step 11

Melt the cheeses over a double boiler, mix until smooth

Step 12

Add the eggs, vanilla, cornstarch and sugar, and continue stirring the mixture for 10 minutes or until thickened

Step 13

Remove from heat and cover with cling wrap. Chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour until chilled.

Step 14

Preheat the grill to high

Step 15

Remove from fridge and fill a piping bag with the cheese mixture

Step 16

Pipe the cheese mixture into the blind-baked tart shells

Step 17

Make the egg wash by whisking together the egg yolks and milk

Step 18

Brush the tops of the cheese mixture with the egg wash

Step 19

Grill or broil for 6-7 minutes, or until they are golden brown (you can also use a blowtorch)

Step 20

Enjoy warm or chilled!