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how to grill brats to perfection


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 25 minutes

Servings: 5


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Step 1

Light charcoal and spread it evenly across the bottom of one-half of the grill. If using propane, light burners only on one side of the grill.

Step 2

Place grill grates over the charcoal and oil grates with paper towel soaked in vegetable oil to prevent sticking.

Step 3

Place brats on grates directly over charcoal and grill on each side until browned. If the casing bursts or burns move brats further from the coals to reduce cooking temperature.

Step 4

Turn the brats every couple of minutes to prevent burning, moving them further away from the hot coals if needed, and cook brats for 15-20 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 160 degrees. Cooked brats are firm to the touch.

Step 5

Keep bratwursts warm in a Brat Bath until ready to serve.

Step 6

Serve on buns with onions, sauerkraut, and brat sauce.