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keralan veggie curry
Your Recipes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Ingredients out • Kettle boiled • Griddle pan, high heat • Medium lidded pan, medium heat • Large casserole pan, low heat • Food processor (bowl blade)

Step 3


Step 4

Remove the outer leaves from the cauliflower, then slice it 1cm thick and put it on the griddle pan, turning when lightly charred.

Step 6

Put 1 mug of rice and 2 mugs of boiling water into the medium pan with the cloves, lemon half and a pinch of sea salt, and put the lid on.

Step 8

Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into the casserole pan, then quickly stir in the mustard and fenugreek seeds, turmeric and curry leaves.

Step 10

Peel the ginger and garlic cloves, and trim the spring onions. Pulse these, together with the chilli and coriander stalks in the processor until fine, then stir into the casserole pan.

Step 12

Roughly chop and add the tomatoes. Pour in the coconut milk, drain and add the chickpeas, then tip in the pineapple chunks and their juices.

Step 14

Add the griddled cauliflower, cover, turn the heat up to high and bring to the boil.

Step 16

Put the uncooked poppadoms into the microwave (800W) for a minute or two to puff up.

Step 18

Tear off the top leafy half of the mint and bash to a paste in a pestle and mortar. Stir in the yoghurt, add a good squeeze of lemon juice and season with salt and black pepper.

Step 20

Squeeze the juice of the remaining lemon into the curry and season to taste. Sprinkle over the coriander leaves and serve with the rice and poppadoms.

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