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keto bloomin onion
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total: 20 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Slice ½ -1 inch off the top of the onion, and remove the outer skin.

Step 2

Place the onion cut side down on a cutting board, and make four equally dispersed cuts all the way through the onion, starting just a bit down from the end so that you do not separate the pieces from the onion with your cut. You can see the photo for reference.

Step 3

After the first four sections are created with the initial cuts, use a sharp knife to make four more evenly dispersed cuts in each of the four sections created. You will then have a total of 16 cuts through the onion.

Step 4

Turn the onion over carefully, and feather out the petals that you have created with your cuts.

Step 5

Mix ½ tsp paprika and ½ tsp garlic powder with ½ cup of almond flour, and spoon it over the sliced onion, being sure to get the flour in between each of the onion petals.

Step 6

In a mixing bowl, beat together the eggs and heavy whipping cream.

Step 7

Pour the egg mixture over the flour soaked onion, and massage the egg mixture in between all of the different layers.

Step 8

Place the crushed pork rind crumbs into a deep bowl, and toss the onion gently into the crumbs to coat each piece well.

Step 9

Let the onion set in the freezer for an hour or so. This will help to keep the pork rind crumbs and almond flour from instantly falling off of the onion when you place it into the oil for frying.

Step 10

Fill a deep pot with the keto friendly oil of your choosing, and set it over medium high heat until water crackles when dropped into it.

Step 11

Place the bloomin’ onion into the heated oil upside down carefully with tongs.

Step 12

Cook for 3-5 minutes until golden brown, and remove to a paper towel lined plate.

Step 13

In a bowl, combine the ingredients for the sauce, and whisk together well.