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lauki sabji


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 25 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Heat oil in a 2 litre pressure cooker. Add 1 teaspoon cumin seeds.

Step 2

Let the cumin seeds splutter and crackle.

Step 3

Then add ½ cup chopped onions.

Step 4

Mix and begin to sauté onions on a medium-low flame till they turn translucent.

Step 5

Now add 1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger and 1 to 2 green chilies (chopped).

Step 6

Sauté for some seconds till the raw aroma of ginger goes away.

Step 7

Then add 1 to 1.25 cups tightly packed tomatoes.

Step 8

Mix and begin to sauté the tomatoes on a medium-low flame till they become mushy and pulpy. the oil also starts to leave the masala.

Step 9

In the meantime when the tomatoes are getting cooked, rinse, peel and chop the lauki. Keep aside.

Step 10

When the tomatoes have become pulpy and you see oil releasing from the sides of the masala, then add ½ teaspoon turmeric powder, ½ teaspoon red chili powder and 1 teaspoon coriander powder (optional). Also add 1 pinch of asafoetida (optional).

Step 11

Sauté for a minute.

Step 12

Then add 3 cups chopped lauki (bottle gourd or ghia). sauté for a minute.

Step 13

Add salt as per taste and pour 1 cup water. mix very well.

Step 14

Pressure cook lauki sabzi for 3 to 4 whistles or 7 to 8 minutes on medium flame till the lauki is cooked well and becomes mushy.

Step 15

When the pressure settles down on its own, open the lid of the cooker.

Step 16

If you find the lauki sabzi to be more liquid then dry it a little by simmering in the cooker without the lid till you get the desired consistency in the sabzi.

Step 17

Finally add ½ teaspoon punjabi garam masala powder or garam masala powder. You can also add 2 to 3 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves at this step.

Step 18

Mix well.

Step 19

Serve lauki ki sabzi hot with some phulkas or chapatis.

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