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ninja turtle approved mingle pizza toasties


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 20 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Preheat your oven to a toasty 180°C

Step 2

Get your bread ready: arrange 4 cheese rectangles around the edges of one slice, leaving a hole in the middle (or use grated cheese to cover the whole slice).

Step 3

Top it off with the second slice of bread and give it a good press in the middle to make an indent.

Step 4

Time for the pizza transformation: Add your pizza sauce to the centre of the bread.

Step 5

Load it up with your grated cheese, chopped pepperoni, and let's not forget a hearty sprinkle of Mingle's Pizza blend seasoning.

Step 6

Now, let the oven do its magic: Bake your pizza toast sandwich for 12-15 minutes or until the cheese is bubbling and beautifully oozy.