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pizza sauce with canning instructions


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Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total: 100 minutes

Servings: 3


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Step 1

Wash and cut fresh tomatoes into quarters. Remove any bad spots.

Step 2

Add the chopped tomatoes to a large stockpot or large enamel pot.

Step 3

Cover the tomatoes and heat the tomatoes over high heat.

Step 4

Allow the tomatoes to simmer, stirring occasionally.

Step 5

Simmer for 15 or until the tomatoes have become soft and tender.

Step 6

Prepare a food mill by placing it over a stock pot and using a ladle to transfer the hot tomatoes into the hopper of the food mill.

Step 7

Turn the food mill to remove the skins and seeds.

Step 8

Discard the tomato skins and seeds.

Step 9

Return the pressed tomato pulp and juice back into the stock pot.

Step 10

Add the seasoning blend, if desired.

Step 11

Bring the sauce to a boil, and reduce it to a simmer, stirring occasionally. Allow the sauce to reduce by half. This should take around 45 minutes. Stir in the citric acid or lemon juice and salt, if desired.

Step 12

Once your desired consistency is reached, cool completely and store in an air-tight container. If canning, follow the instructions below.

Step 13

While your sauce is reducing prepare your jars.

Step 14

Ladle the hot tomato sauce into hot jars, leaving 1/2 inch of headspace.

Step 15

Remove any air bubbles and wipe the rim of the jar.

Step 16

Center a new lid on the jar, apply the ring and finger tighten.

Step 17

Place the jar in the boiling water bath canner.

Step 18

Fill all the mason jars, returning each one to the water bath.

Step 19

Process the pint jars for 35 minutes or process quart jars for 40 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Turn off the heat, allow the jars to stand for 5 minutes then remove the jars and allow to cool on a heat-safe surface.