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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 25 minutes

Servings: 26


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Step 1

Gather all the ingredients.

Step 2

Grind ¼ cup (4g) katsuobushi (bonito flakes) into fine powder. Set aside, we'll use this powder when we're cooking Takoyaki.

Step 3

Cut green onions into fine slices and mince 1 Tbsp-* red pickled ginger.

Step 4

Cut octopus into ½ inch (1.5 cm) bite size pieces (cut into smaller pieces for kids so they can chew easily). I use “rangiri” cutting technique.

Step 5

In a large mixing bowl, combine 1 cup (4.2 oz/120 g) all-purpose flour, 2 tsp baking powder, and ½ tsp kosher salt and whisk all together.

Step 6

Add 2 large eggs, 1 tsp soy sauce, and 1 ½ cup (360 ml) dashi.

Step 7

Whisk all together until well-blended and transfer the batter to a 2-cup measuring cup with a handle (or any other pitcher with a spout for easy pouring).

Step 8

Heat the takoyaki pan to 400 ºF (200 ºC) over medium heat. Using a brush, generously oil the takoyaki pan (both the holes and connecting flat areas). When you see smoke coming from the pan, pour the batter to fill the holes. It’s okay for the batter to slightly overflow the holes. Usually as you add ingredients to the batter it will overflow.

Step 9

Add 1-3 octopus pieces in each hole depending on its size and sprinkle katsuobushi powder you ground earlier on top.

Step 10

Then sprinkle tenkasu, green onion, and pickled red ginger.

Step 11

After 3 minutes or so, when the bottom of the balls has hardened slightly, break the connected batter between each ball with skewers. Then turn each piece a 90 degree, stuffing in the edges as you are turning. The batter will flow out from the inside of each takoyaki ball and creates the other side of the takoyaki ball. After you finish flipping, set timer for 4 minutes. Keep turning constantly so each piece will have nice round shape. Home takoyaki grill doesn’t equally distribute heat so it’s good idea to swap takoyaki balls around to get even brown color. Transfer takoyaki balls onto a plate and pour takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise. Finish off with sprinkling katsuobushi and dried green seaweed. Serve immediately (but be careful – inside is VERY hot!).