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easy seedless raspberry jam


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 500

Cost: $0.01 /serving


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Step 1

Add raspberries, sugar and lemon juice to a preserving pan (large pan).

Step 2

Use a potato masher to mash up the raspberries.

Step 3

Place the pan on the hob over a low heat (do not simmer), stirring occasionally until all the sugar has dissolved. (Sweeping a wooden spoon along the bottom will alert you to any sugar crystals).

Step 4

Take a glass bowl and place a metal sieve over it.

Step 5

Pour the jam mixture into the sieve (you may have to remove a few seeds stuck to the pan).

Step 6

Pour the drained juice back into the pan and place the sieve over the pan.

Step 7

Use a large metal spoon to push the pulp through the sieve (will take about 5 minutes).

Step 8

Once all the pulp is sieved into the pan, stir with a wooden spoon.

Step 9

Bring the pan to a rolling boil and time for 5 minutes.

Step 10

Take the pan off he heat and drizzle a little jam onto a saucer and place in the fridge for a minute.

Step 11

Run a finger through the jam and if it forms a crinkle (tacky) then the jam is ready, if not continue to boil for another minute at a time and re-test until it is ready.

Step 12

Pot into hot jars and seal with lids immediately or if using wax discs place those on and then the cellophane once cool.

Step 13

Store in a cool dark place and refrigerate once opened.