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maypop passion fruit cordial
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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 10


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Step 1

Add all ingredients to large canning jar and stir vigorously until sugar is dissolved.

Step 2

Place a paper towel or linen cloth over mouth of jar and secure with a rubber band. Keep in cool indoor location (NOT a refrigerator) out of the sun.

Step 3

Stir mixture vigorously with a clean spoon for 30 seconds at least twice per day (once in the morning and once in the evening). Taste a small amount each time after stirring to track flavor development. Within 3-4 days, you'll notice bubbles developing and a bit of foam on top as native yeasts begin to colonize the mixture, kickstarting the fermentation process.

Step 4

After 7-10 days, your cordial should be ready. Strain, then bottle and store in fridge for up to 3-6 months. Do NOT store at room temperature or bottles could explode. Ideal served in small cordial glasses as an apertif or digestif.