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shio koji


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total: 14405 minutes


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Step 1

In a clean 3 1/2 – 4 cup glass container with a lid, combine dried malted rice and sea salt. Mix well.

Step 2

Add water to the mixture, mix well. Put a lid on but leave it partially open (don't cover tightly.) The reason for leaving it cracked open is so that shio koji mixture can breathe during the process of fermentation. Keep it in a dry and cool place and avoid direct sunlight. Let it rest until the next day.

Step 3

Next day, open the lid and stir well with a clean utensil. Cover it again (leave it open partially) and keep it in the same condition.

Step 4

Repeat the process for 7-10 days (in summer) or 10-14 days (in winter.) It starts off looking separated, then the rice koji soaks up the water and looking somewhat dry, then the rice starts breaking down. As the fermentation progress, it should get thicker with a faint smell of yeast like bread. The consistency should be similar to rice porridge and the grains should be tender enough to mash with fingers.

Step 5

When the fermentation period is over, put the lid tightly and store in a fridge. Consume within 4-6 months.