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cheesy garlic dough balls
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Step 1

Mix the yeast, 2 tbsp olive oil, and a pinch of sugar into 300ml warm water in a jug until the yeast has dissolved.

Step 2

Tip the flour and salt into a bowl, and pour over the liquid. Knead in the bowl until you form a rough ball, then knead on a floured worksurface until smooth and elastic. Put into an oiled bowl and cover with clingfilm. Leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour, or until doubled in size.

Step 3

Knock the dough back into the bowl with your hands, and divide into 18 balls (weigh them to make them identical, if you like).

Step 4

Roll each piece into a smooth ball, pushing a cube of mozzarella into the centre of each. Pinch the dough to seal in the cheese.

Step 5

Put the dough balls into an oiled ovenproof frying pan or baking dish (approx. 25cm diameter) leaving a small gap in between each to allow for proving. Cover with oiled clingfilm and leave again for 30 minutes.

Step 6

Heat the oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas To make the herb butter, melt the butter then add the crushed garlic and herbs off the heat. Season well.

Step 7

For the tomato dip, fry the sliced garlic in a drizzle of olive oil for a minute, then tip in the passata, vinegar, and a pinch of chilli flakes and sugar. Simmer for 10 minutes until saucy, then stir in the chopped basil and cool.

Step 8

Uncover the dough and brush the dough balls with 2/3 of the garlic butter. Bake for 20 minutes until golden and puffed.

Step 9

Brush with the remaining butter and leave to cool for a few minutes. Serve with the tomato dip scattered with a few basil leaves, more chilli and a drizzle of olive oil.