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easy vegan celery soup


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 20 minutes

Servings: 3


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Step 1

First off, peel the onion, ginger, and garlic cloves. After the peels are discarded, chop them up roughly. For this recipe, we will be blending all the ingredients so everything does not need to be chopped up finely.

Step 2

Then, add the EVOO to a large frying pan and place it on a stove. Add the chopped onion, ginger, and garlic to the pan and let it saute for 10 minutes. Stir it often so the ingredients do not burn.

Step 3

While they are sauteing, separate the stalks from the head of celery and wash them. Then chop off any brown ends. Then roughly chop up the entire batch of celery. Add the celery to the onion mixture and let it saute for about 3 minutes.

Step 4

Open the can of cannellini beans and drain out the liquid. Then pour beans into a colander and rinse them out well to remove any of the remaining liquid.

Step 5

Also, chop up the parsley and cilantro.

Step 6

Add the beans into the ban along with the turmeric, cloves, coriander, parsley, and cilantro, and saute for about 2 minutes.

Step 7

Then turn off the stovetop and carefully spoon all the ingredients into a blender.

Step 8

Blend until the mixture is creamy and thick.

Step 9

Enjoy warm, topped with more fresh parsley, cilantro, avocado, chips, and some crusty bread.