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homemade hot chocolate mix


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total: 5 minutes

Servings: 13


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Step 1

All you need to do to prepare this hot cocoa mix recipe is to mix all of the ingredients and then decant into a jar.To reduce the risk of any lumps/ clumping, sift all of the powdered ingredients into a bowl before mixing and then move to jars/containers.

Step 2

Keep the mix in an airtight jar, in a cool, dry location - like a kitchen cupboard. The hot chocolate mix will last at least six months, and far longer if you omit the milk powder. Just make sure to keep it dry.

Step 3

To use the homemade hot chocolate mix, add 2-3 Tbsp of the mix into a regular-sized mug and top up with hot water or milk, then mix. Add an extra spoonful for an even more pronounced flavor.Optionally, top off with some whipped cream (or dairy-free whipped coconut cream) and the toppings of your choice. Enjoy your delicious cup of cocoa!

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