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same day sourdough recipe


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Total: 420 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

In the morning combine all of your ingredients for the dough (not including the extra 20 g of water) in a large bowl and mix thoroughly by hand. If the dough feels too dry still add extra water as needed. I prefer to add all of the extra water but if you are new to sourdough baking it is easier to start with less as a drier dough is easier to work with.

Step 2

Stretch and fold the dough 4 times every half hour for the next 2 hours (i.e. 4 times)

Step 3

Let the dough bulk rise for another 2 hours. At this point the dough should have a few visible bubbles along the edge of the bowl. Additionally if you dip a finger in water and then press the surface of the dough you would expect it to not bounce back fully. If there’s no evidence of air bubbles or the dough bounces back quickly then just let it rest for another half an hour to an hour.

Step 4

Pre-shape the dough by roughly shaping it into a rough round using enough flour to prevent the dough sticking. Let it sit uncovered for 10-15 minutes and then proceed to shape it into a round or a loaf depending on what you prefer. Let it rise in a banneton or proofing basket for another 2.5 hours.

Step 5

While the dough is in its last half hour of rising preheat the oven to 450°F with a dutch oven in the oven. Once fully heated turn the loaf onto a piece of parchment paper, dust with flour and score. Place it in the dutch oven and bake for 20 minutes before removing the lid and baking for another 15 minutes or so until nicely browned.

Step 6

Let the dough cool for an hour before slicing.